Upcoming Meetings
We will have a virtual meeting on Friday, March 12, 2021 using the chatroom.
As vaccinations progress, we are hoping that we can resume face-to-face meetings in member homes. Indeed, we hope that the April 9th meeting will be held at 7PM at the President’s home in Broken Arrow.
The CDC recommends continuing social distancing practices, to include wearing masks and taking precautions while eating. We expect to have refreshments when we resume face-to-face meetings, but we will need agreement on practices that conform to CDC recommendations. That would include one person at a time at the refreshment bar, unmasking only to eat, drink, or read, and–possibly–only eating or drinking two at a time at the dining table in the dining alcove. We can discuss these these ideas at the chat room meeting on March 12.
Lafferty Fellowships
R.A. Lafferty (November 7, 1914 – March 18, 2002) was a science fiction and fantasy author from Tulsa, Oklahoma and a founding member of the Oklahoma Science Fiction Writers.
Neil Gaiman wrote that Lafferty was “for a little while in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the best short story writer in the world.” In his introduction to Episodes of the Argo Gene Wolfe wrote that “[Lafferty may be] the most original writer in the history of literature.” He was nominated multiple times for both the Hugo and Nebula awards, and won a Hugo for the short story “Eurema’s Dam” in 1973. His prodigious output is listed on the Speculative Fiction Database.
In March of 2021, an anonymous donor established the Lafferty Fellowship to support the membership of OSFW. The purpose of the Fellowship is to assist deserving OSFW members with dues associated with club membership and other projects approved by the officers. The Treasurer of OSFW manages the fund, with the advice of the President and Vice President. Members desiring support for dues may inquire privately via the contact page on this site.
Members can now pay dues by sending them to our Paypal account at Finance at OSFW.ONLINE. Note that dues to our nonprofit club constitute sending money to “family and friends” and thus are not subject to a fee by Paypal. At the last step before sending the dues, be sure the option “sending to a friend” appears. If it does not, click on “change,” and select it from the drop-down list.
Dues can still be paid in person at club meetings, and can be mailed directly to the Treasurer. If you need the Treasurer’s address, please send an inquiry via the contact page.
Financial Report for Calendar Year 2020
Webmaster and Facebook Wizard
The officers have confirmed two technical positions associated with the club. These positions are appointed by the President with the consent of the officers, and must be filled by dues-paying members of OSFW unless the officers approve an explicit exception.
The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the club’s website, https://OSFW.ONLINE, including assuring updates as appropriate, adding features as approved and/or suggested by the officers, and facilitating blog posts as approved by the officers. For the calendar year 2021, Bill Ray is the designated Webmaster, and B.J. Thrower is the backup.
The Facebook Wizard is responsible for maintaining the club’s Facebook page, including sole authority for screening and approving requests to access the page and for monitoring posts to the page. The officers, at their discretion, may have administrative access to the Facebook page, but the primary responsibility for the page resides with the Wizard. The Wizard may, with the approval of the the Officers, grant former dues-paying members administrative access to the Facebook page. Karen Walker is the designated Facebook Wizard.