
This page archives some of the early documents of Oklahoma Science Fiction Writers.

In 1977, C.J. Cherryh wrote to twenty-four individuals in Oklahoma proposing a writing group for those interested in science fiction.  This letter resulted in the founding of Oklahoma Science Fiction Writers.



Later that same year, Stephen J. Kimmel wrote to the recipients of the Cherryh letter who lived in NE Oklahoma, proposing a “Tulsa Section” of the Oklahoma Science Fiction Writers.  This section is the group that survives today.



Soon after founding, the group started a monthly newsletter, the Journal of the Great Pagoda Insurance Company, or GPIC.  The origin of the newsletter’s name is obscure, but appears to be an oblique reference to the 1962 movie King Kong Versus Godzilla. Perhaps there was a discussion of insurance coverage for the pagoda in this still from that movie?

In any case, here’s the June, 1979 GPIC issue which predicts doom for at least the Oklahoma City section of OSFW.  Whatever happened down south, the Tulsa section survived and still prospers today.




GPIC Historical archive on this site.