October 20, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Submitted by Lori Morgan, Vice President.

Submitted 11/6/2023

Location. Ray residence, Tulsa

Attending. : Bill, Sean, Greg, Chris, Lori, and Jace

NOTE: The October meeting date was changed to October 20 as a one-time accommodation to members’ conflicting schedules.

Ritual Questions and Responses

  • Who wrote
    • Bill, Sean, Chris, Lori, and Jace
  • Who submitted
    • Chris “Dirty Santa”  to Abandon Journal;”Pulling for Victory”  to ZNB “Last Ditch” “Bolt Out of the Blue” also to o ZNB “Last Ditch” ;”Black Christmas” to Havok “Remember When”
    • Lori-”Trapped” and “Shore Leave” to Our Story Society.com
    • Jace– ‘Matt and Cass need some space’    50 submissions –  16 rejections
  • Who published
    • None
  • Who Sold
    • None
  • Who got paid
    • Bill
  • Good rejections
    • Jace: two slightly more positive rejections stating that it wasn’t the type they publish but they liked the story.
  • GPIC news
    • Mike is moving into a new place so couldn’t come to the meeting.
    • Sue and Brad working at Hex house. 

Readers at this meeting

  • Jace read chapter 12 of her novel.
  • Sean read the next chapter of his novel

November meeting will be at the Sinor residence in Broken Arrow.

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