Minutes for meeting on Nov 11, 2022

OSFW business :  none

Treasurer’s report?   new easel and OSFW poster bought for convention in Pryor in October.

Members present: Bill, Mike, Brad, Sue, Greg, Chris and Lori. 

Answers to the following ritual questions:

Did anyone write?   Yes for everyone !!!

Did anyone submit anything?

  • Mike:  “That Uncertain Heaven” went to Deadlands
  • .Chris: Carbonifercus Yuletide  @  From Beyond Press
  • .Chris: Right up their alley  @ Diner Nior
  • .Chris: Final Holding @ Propagule
  • .Chris: Carbonifercus Yuletide @ Everyday Fiction
  • .Chris: Pulling for Victory @ Shooter Literary
  • .Chris: Picture of Lily @ Weird West
  • Lori: ‘Ties that bind’ @ worldstonepublishing
  • Lori: ‘Trapped’ @ The Fabulist Words & Art
  • Lori: ‘Shoreleave’ @ Solarpunk magazine

Did anyone publish anything? No one this month ☹

Did anyone get paid?

  • Mike: – Troy Taylor/Whitechapel Press reported that 55 copies of I Heard of That Somewhere sold this year, bringing me $61.60.  Better than nothing was Mike’s comment. The attendees agreed.

Any good rejections?

  • Chris:  Rejected ‘Final Holding’ @  DSP Beastly tales

Readers at today’s meeting (title)

  • Sue read part of “A Cross Time.”
  • Chris read  “Duck the Drones, Goose the statue”  a reworking
  • Mike read from his latest writing — the first section (about 1/3) of “Gate Patrol”.
  • Synopsis:  Inkara, an Adolescent Gryphon of the Great Eyrie of Mount Lattipor, thinks that Gate Patrol is an utter waste of her time, for the Gates — Portals to other, possibly unfriendly and dangerous worlds — have not operated for centuries, and nothing is likely ever to emerge from them.  Then, however, she is attacked by a praying mantis as big as a horse — a creature certainly not of the Gryphons’ world Aanuu.  Inkara fears that much worse is to come, and she joins forces with a human Patroller from the local watchtower.

GIPIC:  Christmas Party   Saturday in December.  Sue and Brad to host.  Date to be announced.

Editor’s note: The party will be at 7PM on Saturday, December 10. The secret word for the story fragments is epiphany.

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