May 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Submitted by Lori Morgan, Vice President.

Updated June 1, 2023

Location. Ray residence, Broken Arrow

Attending. : Bill, Chris, Lori, Mike, Jace, Brad and Sue.

Ritual Questions and Responses

  • Who wrote
    • Brad, Lori, Sue, Mike, and Bill. Sue is continuing work on her vampire story. Mike wrote about 1600 words for the book “Animals, Beasts and Cryptids.”
  • Who submitted
    • Lori– ‘Trapped’, ‘ Shore Leave’ and ’As I walked’
  • Who published
  • Who Sold
  • Who got paid
  • Good rejections
    • Lori, from Sprawl. Letter below.
  • GPIC news
    • Bill comnmented on attending a performance of The Drunkard at the Spotlight Theatre. The play featured a performance by OSFW member Sue. Members discussed a group night to see the play.
    • Jace announced she’d completed the first draft of her novel and given it to beta-readers

Readers at this meeting

  • Lori: read “Ties that Bind”
  • Bill: read “Amazing Grace” and also read from an alternative ending. Consensus was that the first ending was better, but the story still needed work.
  • Sue: Read 2 short (flash) pieces – To Sleep, Perchance To Dream & Tidying Up.
  • Mike read three short stories:
    • “Not that I Doubt Your Medical Expertise” — Spaceman Giles’ Medical Officer proves to be a bit quick on the diagnosis.
    • “Around the Campfire” — Richard Trent has to up the ante with the stories he tells to jaded Boy Scouts, and he tells one story too many.
    • “Cradle” — A.L.L., the universe-wide AI network, decides to rupture the space-time continuum to see what waits beyond. What waits beyond is not happy.

June meeting will be at the Ray residence unless otherwise announced.

Lori’s good rejection from Sprawl editors:

Dear Lori, 

Thank you very much for taking the time to submit to The Sprawl Mag. We really appreciated the opportunity to experience your work. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept your piece at this time. We have received nearly 400 submissions, which has made our decision process very tricky.  

We wish you best of luck finding your work a home, and we hope you will send us your work in the future.

From our bit of space rock,

Mahaila and Libby

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