June 9, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Submitted by Lori Morgan, Vice President.

July 5, 2023

Location. Ray residence, Broken Arrow

Attending. : Bill,  Greg, BJ, Chris, Lori, Brad, Sue, Jace  .

Ritual Questions and Responses

  • Who wrote
    • Everyone wrote!
  • Who submitted
    • Everyone except Bill and Greg. BJ in particular had numerous submissions.
  • Who published
    • BJ’s Jayhenge and Run Rabbit Run appeared in Black Hare Press. Her df story appeared in the The Back Forty from Jayhenge Publications.
    • Brad’s story -when to step away was published by Dyskami Publishing
  • Who Sold
    • BJ sold for horror and flash pieces to Black Hare Press
  • Who got paid
    • B. J. – paid by Black Hare Press for “White Rabbit,” “Black Rabbit,” “Red Rabbit,” and “Gold Rabbit.” Jayhenge Publications paid for her contemporary, humorous, df short story, “Charlie Blackhawk and the Blue Whale of Catoosa.”
  • Good rejections
    • BJ, Lori, and Chris–see below.
  • GPIC news
    • Greg-reminded us of of Starbase 22.scf-fy disscussions , meetings are the 1st sunday of each month Helmrich Library
    • Bill shared watching a movie ‘05-24-77’  and recommended it as a great ode to Star Wars from another point of veiw
    • Lori got a booth set up to sell her more crafty items, smaller artwork and other good stuff at Town Creek Boutique in Tahlequah.
    • B. J. had edits from Black Hare Press, and the cover and epub copy of The Back Forty from Jayhenge Publications. She also had a positive submission comment from the editor of the Spaceport Duty-Free Contest at Hiraeth Publishing.

Readers at this meeting

  • Sue read one of Brad’s stories
  • Jace   Chapter 10 of  her novel – Cass-Matt point of view
  • Bill  read “Fred Cleans House,” a story from his anthology “What In Dreams Abides”

July meeting will be at the Sinor residence unless otherwise announced.

Lori’s good rejection

Hi, Thank you for submitting work to this year’s Older Writers Grant.

Regrettably, the jurors have determined that your piece will not be advancing to the next round, but we hope you’ll consider submissions to future grant cycles.

You can find the full schedule of SLF’s offerings here. Keep writing!


Kitty Lin (she/her)

Grants Coordinator Speculative Literature Foundation

Chris’s good rejection

Subject: Re: Into the Forest Anthology: Our Publication Process

Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your writing in our #WritingTheForest submission window recently. We are really enjoying reading the wide variety of submissions this year. As there’s a lot of them, it’ll take our two editors a little while. In the meantime, we’d like to encourage all our submitters to sign up for our regular newsletter, if you haven’t already done so. Going forward, this will be our main way of communicating news about the progress of our anthology and other projects. You will find:

*   behind the scenes look at our publishing process with advance updates on shortlists, cover reveals, launches etc.

*  other Space Cat news & plans for future events and submission opportunities

*   opportunities to win one of our giveaways

And of course, you can unsubscribe at any time. But we hope you  will stay in touch. To subscribe to the newsletter, just fill out this form: https://spacecatpress.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=e983d89e36016a659eece802f&id=4f23318e86

Our next month’s newsletter will have news about where we’ve got up to with reading & whittling the #WritingTheForest submission pile into a shortlist.

Best wishes for now


Space Cat editor

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