July, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Submitted by Lori Morgan, Vice President.

Submitted 7/29/2024

Location. Ray Residence, Broken Arrow

Attending. : Bill, Sean, Greg, Brooks, Lori, Mike, Brad, Sue, and  guest Ty

Ritual Questions and Responses

  • Who wrote
    • Everyone! 
  • Who submitted
    • n/a
  • Who published
    • Sean. Thiefdom  is now available on Kindle and soon to be on Amazon.
  • Who Sold
    • n/a
  • Who got paid
    • n/a
  • Good rejections
    • n/a
  • GPIC news
    • Brad and Sue plan to attend a workshop in February of 2025. More information later.

Readers at this meeting

This month members read from their responses to the Shorts in July exercise. Titles were:

  • ‘GAG’
  • ‘Like a Hummingbird’
  • ‘The Return’
  • ‘The Hottest Day’
  • ‘The Last Dawn’
  • ‘Test Run’
  • ‘if you can’t stand the Heat’

    Mike and Bill both correctly identified four authors, and Mike won the door prize: a “Here Comes the Sun” zippered bag which contained a CD of the Foreigner song “Hot Blooded,” a ring of fire, and a “You Rock” rock.

    The August Meeting will be at the Sinor residence in Tulsa.

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