We will meet July 24, 2021 at the Sinors’ residence. Note the new date.
Note that the Christmas Party is traditionally on Saturday, our Special Christmas in July meeting will be on Saturday, not Friday.
Don’t forget, since we missed our usual holiday get-together, we’re going to celebrate Christmas in July at this meeting. That means we won’t do our usual business meeting and readings. Instead, we should each bring a gift for the exchange (don’t spend more than $10) and a story fragment of approximately 300 words–that’s roughly three or four double-spaced pages. Our theme for this year is Otherworldly Christmas, and our story fragments should use the word gossamer.
The pandemic forced us to change the date of our holiday party. That change in date inspired this year’s theme. For example, stories might feature aliens from other worlds celebrating Christmas, or maybe humans on other world celebrating Christmas, or even cryptozoids dropping in on Christmas celebrations. A visit from the Ghost of Christmas Past would even qualify. Let your imagination run wild!