January 2023 Meeting

The January meeting will be held Friday, January 13, at the President’s home in Broken Arrow.  Directions are below.  As usual, please arrive at about 7PM. 

There will be a brief business meeting starting at 7:30.  The main order of business will be selection of new officers for the 2023 year.

We regret having to inform you that our long-standing Vice President, BJ Thrower, has decided against serving another term, although she does intend to continue participating in our meetings. We’re grateful for her service, and we’re glad that we’ll continue to see her and hear her read at our meetings.

We’re pleased to announce that Lori Morgan has agreed to serve as our Vice President. Lori helped in November with the minutes, and we are confident that she will do an awesome job as our Vice President. Our Treasurer, Sue Sinor, has agreed to do another term, as has our current president, William Ray.

While we have a slate of those willing to serve, the floor will be open for other nominations or volunteers. If you wish to volunteer to be an officer, or wish to nominate someone to be an officer, please feel free to do so at the meeting or let one of the current officers (Ray, Thrower, or Sinor) know ahead of time. Should we have more than one person wanting to serve, we will have an election by secret ballot. If you wish to nominate someone, please first be sure they are willing to serve. Our by-laws also place certain limits on who may serve as an officer–for example, an officer must have been a member for one calendar year before serving.

Time and data permitting, our Treasurer will present our annual statement of accounts.

Annual dues of $6 are payable in January. The treasurer can accept cash or checks at this meeting. You can also use PayPal to send your dues to Finance@OSFW.ONLINE. However, PayPal, now assesses a 3% fee for all payments to non-personal accounts, so if you use PayPal please make your payment for $6.18 to reimburse OSFW for the fee. (Previously, you could select”send to family or freinds” and they would waive the fee, but PayPal disabled this option in January, 2022 for payments to non-personal accounts.)

The OSFW Lafferty Fellowship Fund provides confidential assistance to members needing help with dues; please contact the Treasurer or any of the officers.

Finally, Soonercon will be June 30-July 2 in Norman at the Embassy Suites Hotel. We should discuss our participation in this state-wide event, including arranging for a table and for at least one member to participate as a presenter.

The business meeting ends with the ritual questions: Did you sell anything? Publish? Get paidSubmit? Get a good Rejection? Write? Have a GPIC-related item or other news? Bring anything to read

After the business meeting, members will be invited to read from their recent works. In order that as many as possible have an opportunity to share their work, please try to keep your readings to thirty minutes or less.  At a normal reading speed, this translates to roughly four thousand words. At most meetings, there is not time for everyone to read, so we try to give priority to those who have gone longest withtout reading. 

Refreshments are ongoing during the proceedings.  Everyone is welcome to contribute to the refreshments, but no one is required or to do so.  At a minimum, the host will provide canapes and various chilled sodas.  The host, as usual, will provide ice, plates, flatware, plastic cups, and napkins. Let me know if you have a soda preference and we’ll try to have some on hand or feel free to bring your own.

Directions to 6609 S Chestnut Ave, Broken Arrow

Take the Creek Turnpike to the Aspen Avenue Exit.

Go SOUTH on Aspen Avenue approximately 0.3 miles to the stoplight.

At the light, turn RIGHT (WEST) onto Tucson/121st Avenue.

Turn LEFT (SOUTH) in 0.2 miles onto Chestnut Avenue–the first street on the left. The name of the subdivision is the Reserve at Spring Creek.

6609 South Chestnut is about 0.1 miles on your left.

Alternate routes that avoid the Turnpike.

From Midtown.

The simplest route from Midtown is to get on Riverside heading south and stay on it.  South of the Creek Turnpike, it makes a long, gentle curve to the left and eventually becomes eastbound South 121st Street.  You can follow this all the way to our subdivision, a little over six miles after the street becomes east-bound.  From Memorial Avenue, it’s 3.9 miles to Chestnut Avenue and our subdivision, the Reserve at Spring Creek.  Turn south on Chestnut, and our home is on the left after about 0.1 miles.

Many Tulsa streets also connect through to 121st Street, and so there are variations of this route depending on where you connect with 121st Street.  Yale, Sheridan, and other streets further east all continue to 121st Street.  Note that Harvard and Lewis dead-end and do NOT connect to 121st, while Riverside actually becomes 121st Street.

From the north via 169.

Get off 169 at 91st Street.  Go east about 2.5 miles to Aspen/145th Avenue and turn RIGHT (SOUTH).  Continue south on Aspen 3 miles to 121st/Tucson Avenue.  Turn RIGHT (WEST) on Tucson, then in 0.2 miles turn left onto Chestnut Avenue.  Our home is about 0.1 mile on the left.

From Keifer/Glenpool

Take 67 east to US 64 (Memorial Avenue) in Bixby.  Turn LEFT  (NORTH) on Memorial and proceed north 3 miles. Turn RIGHT (EAST) on 121st Street/Tucson.  Continue 3.9 miles to our subdivision, the Reserve at Spring Creek.  At the subdivision, turn right onto Chestnut Avenue.  Our home is about 0.1 miles on the left.

Street Names in Broken Arrow.

Broken Arrow and Tulsa are now adjacent to each other, but this wasn’t always the case.  Because of this, their street names are different.  To help with way-finding, Broken Arrow has given most major streets two names. One is the traditional BA name, and the other is the corresponding Tulsa name.  Most–but not all–street signs in Broken Arrow show both names.   For the purpose of these directions, here are the dual names you need to know:

Tucson Street in BA is also 121st Street South.

Aspen Avenue in BA is also East 145th Avenue.

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