Early OSFW documents

I have archives of older OSFW documents that pre-date standards like PDF. Essentially, these are multi-page documents scanned, one page at a time, as image files–JPGs.

There are places that will convert image files to PDFs. This one does a pretty good job it.

The process involves copying the individual pages to the above website. However, the thumbnails on the website are so tiny that you can’t discern the orientation of the page. Morevoer, the pages in the archive are not stored with a consistent orientation. So, it takes several trials to get all the pages right-side-up.

Once you’ve got that, you get a more-or-less readable copy. Here’s the January, 1978 issue of Sons Of GPIC. It would be better if the images were cropped and retouched for improved readability, another time-consuming task.

If anyone wants to volunteer to produce these PDFs, let me know. The files are all available in ZIP format, or I could unzip them and stash them in a dropbox folder for you. It looks like we have copies of the newsletters for 1978-79, and then in the late eighties and early nineties.

In any case, suggestions welcomed. I certainly agree it would be nice to have these archived in usable form on our website.


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