Submitted by Lori Morgan, Vice President.
Submitted 5/5/2024
Location. Sinor Residence, Tulsa
Attending. Bill, Brook, Greg, Chris, Lori, Brad, Sue, and Jace.
Business Meeting.
April 18th Pryor library fund raiser $30 for a table to promote local artists. OSFW will pay for table and Lori and Chris will man the table and have any of our authors books that are available for sale. Lori will pick up books that our authors have to sell in the next week. President’s Update 5/6/24: the event was full and OSFW was thus unable to participate. In any case, thanks to Lori and Chris for volunteering!
Bill and Tracy are setting up Cross timbers as a non-profit publisher. After discussion and on recommendation of the President, OSFW membership decided against sponsoring the publication but will instead consider an informal advisory affiliation. All members are welcome to be involved and, as appropriate, the new publication will be a GPIC item for our meetings.
The Treasurer reports she is making progress on setting up the new BOK account and will have a financial statement in due course.
After discussion, the group decided to have a short story writing activity in July. Details for Shorts in July are posted in the OSFW website.
Ritual Questions and Responses
- Who wrote
- Everyone!
- Who submitted
- Lori submitted “Shore Leave.”
- Who published
- None new
- Who Sold
- None new
- Who got paid
- None reported
- Good rejections
- None reported
- GPIC news
- N/A
Readers at this meeting
- Brooks–“Two Bodies Dancing,” a poem
- Greg–excerpt from Dragon Boy series
- Sue–Continuing excerpt from her vampire series
- Jace–Chapter 11 of Matt and Cass
May Meeting will be at the Ray residence in Broken Arrow.